Opening the current PR in Arc
At the time of writing, there is a bug with the Arc browser and how it opens from the command line.
gh pr view -w
The above command I used pretty regularly, it views the current pull request on Github using a web browser. The browser it uses can be configured, or fallback to whatever you have set in your $BROWSER
environment variable.
Up until today, I have just set that $BROWSER
to be Google Chrome. But Arc is my home! Something about its interface makes me feel warm and fuzzy
Writing a workaround using Applescript
Applescript lets you do a lot of things on a mac. You can control applications by tell
ing them to do things. Basically message passing to the application.
tell application "Arc"
make new tab with properties {URL:""}
end tell
If you are on a mac, you can run the above from the CLI like so
osascript -e "tell application \"Arc\"
make new tab with properties {URL:\"\"}
end tell"
It should open in a new mini Arc!
Wrapping in a Fish function
My shell of choice is the Fish shell.
I want easy access to this functionality, the whole point of this article is to explore how I can open the current pull request in Arc. The best way to do that in my dev setup is to wrap the above in a fish function.
Fish has the concept of functions which is a nice way of organising and documenting quick scripts for use across your system.
function vpr \
-d "View the current PR in the Arc browser"
set -x URL (gh pr view --json url --jq ".url")
osascript -e "tell application \"Arc\"
make new tab with properties {URL:\"$URL\"}
end tell"
The syntax for function
s should look pretty familiar. That -d
is a documentation flag, just to add a big more context to what the function does.
Just a note on the URL
variable, the gh
command gh pr view --json url --jq ".url"
will be immediately evaluated since it is inside ( brackets ), and set
makes the variable available in the current scope, as well as subprocesses - since any shell command will create it’s own subprocess this is important - that part is done using the -x
export flag.
Providing fish functions to your system
With that written in a file called
I just need to symlink it into the folder Fish expects to see functions ~/.config/fish/functions/
I actually have a quick script which sets up new symlinks for additional functions I write in my dotfiles repo.
function refresh_fishies
# push any new functions into the fish functions directory
for f in (ls $DOTS_DIR/fish/functions/)
set SOURCE $DOTS_DIR/fish/functions/$f
set TARGET ~/.config/fish/functions/$f
if ! test -e $TARGET
# target doesnt exist
The above shows off 2 more Fishy features:
loops These work just as you would expect from a full programming languagetest
statements Some confusing options fortest
, buttest -e
is checking for existence
All that remains to the run the fish function
Boom, the current repo’s PR opens in Arc 🔥